The First Amendment Strikes Again

By Tilde

This hot off the presses - justice has prevailed! Huzzah, hooray, and milkshakes for all my friends! And what am I so jazzed about? Oh, just a little thing called the First Amendment that still kicks up it's heels every now and again.

This particular case concerns George W. Bush and a fit he threw last year about a satirical website. Seems a young rapscallion had picked up, and used it to paint a less than flattering image of Governor Bush. Now, Dubya really got his nose bent out of joint, said a few things he probably regrets, and hilarity ensued. For those of you who haven't already read it, here's the article I wrote almost a year ago concerning the debacle. It'll give you the whole scoop.

Suffice it to say, Bush was so irked that he filed charges with the U.S. Federal Elections Commission in an attempt to squash the parody site. Now, almost a year later, the FEC took one look at his claim and essentially said," Why are wasting our time?". The matter was declared too small to be considered, and the Bush bunch was politely shown the door.

So, that's that, folks. A wee, little victory for freedom of expression on the Internet. Pardon me while I go bake an apple pie and catch a baseball game at the new ballpark. Now while I do that, here's the original article. Enjoy, and remember, there's a new Tilde Trivia Question waiting for you at the end. Viva la Revolucion!

· Onto the original article...
· And my point is...

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