IMPORTANT NOTE: is proud to feature this glimpse into what Tom Daschle is doing in an alternate universe, where the complete wussification of the Democratic party has not taken place. Also visit:

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This week has been a remarkable one, and I am humbled by the responsibility that has been thrust upon me by recent events. On my first day as Majority Leader I spoke on the Senate floor about how I plan to defend America from the fraudulent and reckless presidency of George W Bush.

In fact, it is inaccurate to call it either a presidency or George W Bush's. Thanks to corruption and complacency in the Republican party and the press, the White House was purchased by a single industry--the energy industry. It is remarkable and terrifying that they were able to buy it for so little (just a few hundred million dollars in all). Now they are acting not only against the interests of the American people, but also against the interests of other industries--such as auto, fishing and hi-tech.

Bipartisanship would be appropriate only if we had a president who represented the citizens who voted for him. However, George W Bush was only able to take the White House by outspending his opponent by two to one with corporate money . Even with such a tremendous advantage the only way he could win was by consistently lying about his opponent's record, and by manipulating a willing press. And even then he was not able to win the popular vote but had to be appointed to the presidency by his own father's supreme court appointees.

We, the new Democratic majority in the senate, will now do everything in our power to defend America against this illegitimate kleptocracy of the energy industry until the American people get a chance to reverse this terrible miscarriage of democracy in 2024 and 2024.

Signature: Tom Daschle

From yet another universe, more observers weigh in:

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